Enter the name for this tabbed section: How Is Vinyl Made?
Vinyl fence starts out as a PVC powder (Resin) that, when blended with all the required ingredients of our formulation is called compound. This compound then is fed into an extruder. With the proper amount of heat, pressure and mixing via screws in the extruder, the compound becomes malleable vinyl. This vinyl is then fed through a die in the shape of the finished profile. Using vacuum technology to keep the soft pliable vinyl in the proper shape, water is used to cool the vinyl into its final rigid state.
An SUV Fence fabricator cuts the wide variety of profiles to the proper length for the design of fence required. The fabricator then routes holes into the rails, so that pickets can be inserted into them, then holes are routed into the posts so that the rails can be inserted into them. |
Enter the name for this tabbed section: WIl SUV Vinyl Mildew?
Mildew feeds off of organic materials. Vinyl (PVC) is non-organic and therefore does not support mildew. Mildew that grows on Vinyl is actual feeding off of the organic materials (dirt) that have become embedded in or stuck to the vinyl. SUV’s fence profiles have a high gloss and smooth, non-porous surface that makes it very difficult for organic materials to attach to, and therefore, for mildew to thrive on. This, combined with the use of non-chalking TiO2 helps to prevent most mildew growth. The surface of vinyl fence that contains chalking TiO2 deteriorates at a much more accelerated level compared to non-chalking TiO2 creating a rougher surface that dirt and therefore mildew can attach itself more easily to. Only under very consistently damp conditions will the possibility of mildew occur. If mildew does appear, a mild solution of bleach and water will easily remove it. |
Enter the name for this tabbed section: How is an SUV fence put together?
Our posts are machine routed specifically for the size rails being used in each fence project. The pickets are then inserted into the rail grooves for a clean finished appearance. Our fences do not use any fasteners, rivets or screws |
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How does the cost of vinyl fencing compare with traditional wood fences? |
The initial cost of vinyl (PVC) when compared to wood is slightly higher for the material costs in most regions of the country. However with the ever-increasing cost of wood this difference is becoming very minor in some regions. When all the varied cost factors are taken into account over the life of your fence, vinyl (PVC) becomes the true money saver. Factors such as having to replace the wood fence in 5-15 years, yearly maintenance costs (labor, paint, replacement boards, etc), and the effects on the environment because of arsenic in treated wood or the toxic chemicals needed to maintain a wood fence show that wood truly isn't as cost effective in the end.
Some costs are hard to measure such as the costs to you of having a fence that looks in need of maintenance. The cost difference quickly vanishes, and in fact vinyl becomes a sound and financially viable investment in the future of your home. Once your Superior Universal vinyl (PVC) fence is installed you do not have to worry about painting, nails rusting, boards rotting, or splinters. |
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Will SUV fence yellow?
Vinyl (PVC) is formulated using a superior durable grade of non-chalking TiO2 that protects the vinyl (PVC) from the harmful effects of the sun's UV rays. As long as your fence is kept clean, with a periodic wash from a garden hose, it will not turn yellow. |
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What effects does my vinyl fence have on our environment? |
Vinyl (PVC) products are safe and non-toxic. They will not breakdown and release harmful chemicals into the ground and do not require toxic chemicals (stains, waterproofing, paint, paint thinner) for regular upkeep like treated lumber can. No trees are used in the manufacturing of our vinyl fences. Because of the exceptional long life of SUV’s fence profiles, several times the amount of wood that is needed to manufacture the same fence in wood can be saved over the lifetime of the vinyl fence. If the vinyl ever needs to be taken down it can be recycled into other products, such as hoses and watering buckets. |
Enter the name for this tabbed section: Can a Vinyl Fence Break?
Any fence will break when enough force is applied. However, SUV’s (PVC) profiles are formulated using only the highest quality impact modifiers in precisely engineered amounts to ensure the greatest impact resistance available. SUV’s (PVC) profiles are engineered to withstand higher impacts than the minimum required by ASTM. |